Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Evita Bezuidenhout and Ouma Ossewania

Date: 19 April 2011

Pieter-Dirk Uys presents Evita Bezuidenhout (born Evangelie Poggenpoel) and
her mother Ouma Ossewania Kakebenia Poggenpoel in a rousing tribute to our
recent history.

It is 50 years since the apartheid Republic of South Africa was born. Today Tannie Evita tries to find the truth among all the spin, shock and awe, while her ma is furious that she wasted her life believing the lie that apartheid was a gift from God.
She is now over 100 and it's too late to sleep with the garden boy! Or is it too much to except him to kiss that boer?
DIE POGGENPOELS PRAAT - is mainly in Afrikaans but also hilariously in some

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